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Intended Learning Outcome:

To help groups bond by learning about each other


Helping groups to bond through name games is an important part of setting up the group. If you aren’t great at learning names you may want to do an activity like this at the start of the first few sessions, letting the students know your issue and asking them for ways to help you. This is turn helps the group to bond.


Students start by saying their name and then…

1. Fact Finder – complete a statement about themselves:

  • I am here because…
  • Something that people find surprising about me is…
  • The best thing that’s ever happened to me is…
  • The best gig I ever went to was…
  • When I graduate I want to be an X because…
  • Secondary school taught me that…
  • My goal this year is…
  • My favourite genre of music is X because…
  • I Have Never…

2. A Truth & A Lie – give 2 facts, one truthful and one a lie.

3. Medal and Mission – say one thing they are pleased with themselves for (the medal) and one thing they are working on (their mission). This is in the style of feedback students may well be using on their course. You could relate this to their first weeks on the course and how they feel so far.

4. Commitment – state one thing they are committing to for their learning this year.

5. Alliteration Game – Use an alliterative verb to describe themselves and say why they chose that. E.g. I am Fast Fred because I love running.



Before you start the session think about your room set up. Would you like students to be in a circle so they can see each other? If the room isn’t ideal think about what you can do – ask the estates team and other tutors who use that room what some possibilities may be.


Large Group Teaching:

This will work well with all group sizes. For larger groups, you may need to run 2 groups at once. The following session or at the end of the first session you could mix them up with another game so they have opportunities to chat with lots of other members.

Online Teaching:


Students learn something about their classmates and start to feel more bonded.

Next Steps:

Links to other activities:

Further reading:

