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Intended Learning Outcome:

To identify and acknowledge the effort and learning that went into a task


This simple tool helps students to assess how they performed a task – from a performance to written work. They may need information at the start to understand what success looks like in that task so they can compare themselves to that.


After a learning activity, ask students to reflect on “What just happened?” Questioning why they did or didn’t achieve something. What was still missing? Why did it go well? etc.

In small groups, students discuss what worked well and what didn’t and talk about their next steps in the learning process.


You may need to scaffold students’ understanding of the learning process – for example discussing the benefits of a certain drum technique to achieve mastery of a certain style.


After a performance students review the feedback they received and question what worked well, what didn’t and why they think that might me. Was it because of nerves or technique or preparation that the performance went that way?

What could they do differently next time to improve?

Large Group Teaching:

This will work well with all group sizes.

Online Teaching:


Students are aware of their own learning and can assess their progress.

Next Steps:

Links to other activities:

Further reading:

