Teaching for Student Success
This is taken from Chapter 2 of the Musostudy Handbook
Musostudy encompasses understanding what student success is and how we, as teachers, can shape our sessions to best enable students to meet their goals. It offers seven guiding principles for teaching to support this. I believe that to fully understand something means being aware of all the aspects that make up a subject, as well as giving insight into all the facets of ourselves that we used to come to that understanding. Therefore, I suggest that to help someone to fully understand something and be successful in their studies we need to also help them to acquire the skills to do this.
What is Student Success?
The overriding intention of Musostudy is to support teachers to help improve student success. The concept of student success can be difficult to define, and definitions are often focused on student retention and assessment outcomes. However, consideration beyond this is required, as success looks different for every student, with their preferences, goals and study experiences. Musostudy works when teachers are committed to helping students to be aware of their learning and to identify and learn these skills. Even one change used consistently through the course will be advantageous to your students
Musostudy takes a broad view, acknowledging the need for students to master the coursework (with both the academic and vocational requirements) and addressing the multifaceted issue of student engagement, with consideration of the student’s own goals for study. Therefore, Musostudy’s definition of student success is:
“Student success comprises engagement, learning, and progress towards individual goals, whilst also acknowledging the need to help students master the module learning goals.”
The three elements of the Musostudy model frame this: Module Mastery, Engagement and Academic Study Skills. Module Mastery addresses successfully preparing for the assessment and achieving the learning outcomes, as well as the vocational/employability aspects of learning. To achieve module mastery, both student engagement (in their learning, the subject matter and with the group) and study skills provision is required. By embedding these into session activities, we can achieve dual-focus teaching, by teaching content and the additional skills (metacognitive, vocational and academic) at the same time.
To learn more, read Chapter 2 of the Musostudy Handbook